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Fraudulent emails on behalf of NSSO circulate en masse

Please note that a number of phishing emails are currently circulating on behalf of the National Social Security Office (NSSO). In these emails, you are invited to perform an action on the NSSO portal in connection with your simplified tax return.…

Beware of false e-mails sent in the name of Fortis Bank

Unfortunately, phishing is all the rage. This time, fraudulent emails are circulating in the name of the BNP PARIBAS FORTIS bank. The email asks you to update your system as a security measure to prevent the use of counterfeit bank cards. …


New scam targeting artists

Several artists have fallen victim to an elaborate scam. The aim of the scammers is to encourage artists to sell their work in the form of NFTs (non-fungible tokens). This technology refers to a digital property certificate. The buyer becomes the…


A call from ‘Card Stop’? Beware, it's a scam!

Recently, people have been receiving calls from Belgian numbers. A voice on the other end of the line claims to be calling you from Card Stop and tells you that suspicious transactions have been detected on your bank account. In reality, these…


Tax season begins: beware of fraudulent messages

"Your tax return or simplified tax return proposal is available in MyMinfin (Tax-on-web)". Messages of this kind are set to multiply over the coming weeks. But "tax return" also means an opportunity for scammers to send fraudulent messages using…


Christian Mutual warns of phishing messages

Have you been ripped off?
From the moment you lose money or are extorted, we recommend you file a police report. You file a report with the local police in your place of residence. Contact your bank and/or Card Stop on 078 170 170 if you have passed…

Phishing message about Netflix account is doing the rounds

A message that appears to come from Netflix has been circulating since last week.  The message is fake.  Do not click on the link, forward it to suspicious@safeonweb.be and delete it.


Beware of message abusing Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium logo and name

A message is currently circulating that abuses the logo and name of the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB). In the message, you are encouraged to deposit € 190 only to be refunded € 90,450 just like that.  

It is clearly an…


Beware of message from a postal company

Beware. A message that appears to come from a mail-order company is circulating en masse today.  It asks for urgent shipping costs.  This is an attempted scam.  Have you received this message or a similar one?  If so, forward…
