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Have you received a text message from itsme®? 100% sure it is a scam!

Have you also received a text message over the past few days that seems to come from itsme®?  You can be sure that this is an attempted scam. Phishers will try to steal your bank account information in a wide variety of ways. They use…


Scammers also follow the news: beware of false messages about the energy bonus

The government's announcement of a new energy bonus will undoubtedly generate a lot of activity from scammers. In the next few days, we expect false messages to pop up encouraging you to apply for the bonus. It is likely that you will be asked to…


#together for a better internet! See you on 8 February 2022 for Safer Internet Day

What is Safer Internet Day?

Safer Internet Day is a global event to make the internet a fun, creative and safe place for everyone, especially young people. 

Different tools and actions are offered to young people, parents, teachers, facilitators and educators…


"Track the scam" raises teenagers' awareness of online scams


Card Stop has a new telephone number: 078 170 170

You can now call 078 170 170 (instead of 070 344 344) to block your debit card (Bancontact/Mister Cash, ...) or credit card (Mastercard, Visa, ...) in case of theft, loss or fraud. If you are calling from outside Belgium, please dial +32 78 170…


Again many suspicious messages that seem to come from delivery services


Beware of false message that seems to come from Telenet


4.5 million messages forwarded to suspicious@safeonweb.be in 2021


Watch out for e-mails with the subject "Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) "

Attention! A phishing message is circulating with the subject "Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) ".  The message seems to come from ING but is false. 

Don't fall into the trap!

Learn to identify fake e-mails…
