Other information and services of the government: www.belgium.be   Logo van de Belgische federale overheid


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject line: "Account verificatie vereist"


No! No video will be sent tomorrow spreading the Martinelli virus

This week we were asked by Radio 2 whether we should be concerned about a message that is circulating.  The message is being forwarded via WhatsApp and warns of 'the Martinelli hack'.  This message has been circulating since 2017 and it…


Beware of false invitation for COVID-19 vaccine


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject line: "Laatste herinnering'"


Beware of fake e-mails that seem to come from the police

More than a month ago, we warned about fake messages that appear to come from the Federal Police and Europol. Every day, worried citizens report this type of fraud to us. You are allegedly summoned in connection with sexual offences. The…


Currently many phishing messages detected with the subject line: "Bericht"


Son or daughter asks for money via WhatsApp? Beware of WhatsApp fraud!

This form of online fraud is not new, but we have received more reports in recent days. In WhatApp fraud, the fraudsters pretend to be someone the victim knows, often a son or daughter.

First the scammer tries to make you believe…


Beware of too nice deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday


Beware of phishing messages that appear to come from Itsme
