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Beware of false mails sent in the name of my e-Box


Scammers spoof known email addresses and phone numbers

In recent weeks, we received many reports of 'spoofing'.  In spoofing, scammers assume a different identity to gain your trust. The scammer pretends to be your bank, a government department, your mutual insurance company or another well-…


Beware of false tax return messages

It's getting close to the time of possible refunds for tax returns. Cybercriminals know this and try to scam you: they make you believe that your information is not up to date to make the refund. The email asks you to click on a "to document"…


Beware of extortion messages that appear to come from Cert.be

We are receiving reports of messages abusing the name and logo of Cert.be, the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) and the police. You are allegedly accused of sexual abuse of minors. This message is fake.

You are asked to send an e-…


Beware of fake emails circulating in the name of Amazon 


FPS Economy warns of phishing messages in the name of the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises

Last week, the FPS Economy warned of phishing messages in the name of the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (CBE). The message is fake. 

The e-mail supposedly from KBO asks you to update your contact and company details as soon as…


Beware of links you receive by email, text message or otherwise

We cannot say it often enough: be very careful with links you receive by e-mail, text message or other messaging systems. Never click on a link without knowing its origin. Sometimes these messages are in the form of prizes, competitions, so-…


Tips for securing your connected devices

In recent years, the number of connected objects has grown at an impressive rate (watches/wristbands, thermostats, washing machines, dishwashers, doorbells/lockers, hoovers, baby monitors...). The list is long.



Beware of false messages that seem to be sent by ONSS/RSZ

We have recently been informed that phishing e-mails are circulating in the name of the ONSS/RSZ (National Social Security Office). These are usually e-mails stating that "you are entitled to compensation" (or variations of this message, e.g. "…
