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2020 campaign: Passwords are a thing of the past.


Don't get caught: recognize fraud everywhere


There have always been fraudsters, but they are becoming more inventive. They will mislead you with fake webshops, send you messages supposedly on behalf of a friend or pretend to be a bank or a famous person to lure you. They not…


Beware of scammers pretending to be IT company technicians


Tsunami of smishing messages on the way

We have been informed by a reliable source that cybercriminals are planning several attacks with smishing messages in the coming days and maybe weeks.

Text messages are used increasingly often to send false links for the purpose of…


Look out for invoice fraud!

Invoice fraud at companies is not a new phenomenon, but recently CERT.be, the operational department of the Centre for Cyber Security Belgium (CCB), has received more reports of this type of fraud. The CCB is therefore warning companies to be…


False text message about COVID-19 contact follow-up is circulating


Leah Thys and Thomas Vanderveken lend face to phishing campaign. Or don't they?

Febelfin campaign responds to feeling of insecurity and rise in phishing emails due to corona crisis

(Text only available in Dutch or French)

Door de coronacrisis hebben mensen heel wat zorgen aan hun hoofd.

1,3 miljoen Belgen zitten thuis in een systeem van tijdelijke werkloosheid. Voor veel anderen is thuiswerk – gecombineerd…


Looking for face masks? Beware of fake webshops


Phishing on behalf of FPS Finance on the rise again
