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Watch out for e-mails that appear to be from the police

In recent days, we have again received many reports of fake messages that seem to come from the Federal Police and Europol. You are supposedly being summoned in connection with sexual offences. The message comes across as very serious and coercive. The intention is to scare you and extort money.  This type of scam is not new, but it is re-emerging now.

Have you received such a message yourself? Do not panic.

  • Do not reply to the e-mail.
  • Keep the e-mail or print it out and report it to the police.
  • Mark the message as SPAM or unwanted.
  • Block the sender.

You received such a message and reacted to it. What to do now?

  • Contact your bank and/or Card Stop on 078 170 170 (+32 78 170 170 from abroad) if you have transferred money to the fraudster. That way, any fraudulent transactions can be blocked.
  • If you want to report fraud, you can contact your bank on a special number: https://beschermjezelfonline.be/bank-contacteren-voor-hulp.
  • File a report with the local police in your place of residence. Collect as much information as possible and take it with you when you go to make a report.


volledige breedte
volledige breedte
de bolle
volledige breedte