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Tax season begins: beware of fraudulent messages

"Your tax return or simplified tax return proposal is available in MyMinfin (Tax-on-web)". Messages of this kind are set to multiply over the coming weeks. But "tax return" also means an opportunity for scammers to send fraudulent messages using this theme. So be wary of messages you may receive from the FPS Finance, My eBox or the Region concerning missing data, possible refunds, etc.

Don't fall into the trap by following these tips:
  • Open My eBox or My Minfin from the link you enter yourself in the browser instead of clicking on the link in an e-mail or text message.
  • The official authorities will always send you documents via these platforms and not simply by e-mail or SMS.
  • Check the sender of the email by hovering your mouse over the sender's name to see the actual email address used. On a smartphone or tablet, hold your finger over the sender to see the email address displayed. Be wary of suspicious addresses.
  • Use the same procedure to check the URL to which a link directs you.
Find out more?
Have you been swindled?
  • If you lose money or become the victim of extortion, we advise you to report it to the police. You can report it to the local police where you live. 
  • Contact your bank and/or Card Stop on 078 170 170 if you have passed on banking information, if money is disappearing from your bank account or if you have transferred money to a fraudster. This way, any fraudulent transactions can be blocked.
volledige breedte
volledige breedte
volledige breedte