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Warning: phishing (via email/SMS) sent in the name of Proximus

Currently, phishing messages that appear to be from Proximus are circulating. The phishing message asks you to identify yourself via a link to a so-called MyProximus login page, where you are asked to reload your prepaid card to prevent it from becoming invalid. Do not do this under any circumstances.

Through this link, they ask you to enter your personal details and make a reload of €15 or to pay an outstanding balance of your invoices. During this transaction, they intercept your bank details and withdraw large amounts from your account.

volledige breedte
What to watch out for?
  • Check the links before clicking on them. Learn how to recognize suspicious links in the e-learning course “Surfing without worries.”
  • Check your bank balance to ensure your payment is directed to Proximus. If another name appears and the amount does not match the amount you entered to transfer, it is a false link and fraudulent transaction.
Have you been scammed?
  • NEVER share personal codes.
  • If you have given a password that you also use elsewhere, change it immediately.
  • From the moment you lose money or are extorted, we recommend filing When to file a report? | Safeonweb. You can file a report with the local police in your place of residence.
  • Contact your bank and/or Home | Cardstop Belgium at 078 170 170 if you have provided your bank details, money disappears from your bank account, or if you have transferred money to a scammer. This way, any fraudulent transactions can be blocked.