Other information and services of the government: www.belgium.be   Logo van de Belgische federale overheid


Fake text message appearing to be from bank

There are text messages circulating that appear to be from ING asking you to sync your device by clicking on a link.  Under no circumstances do this. 

The link takes you to a very well-crafted fake website mimicking the itsme…


Already 4.4 million phishing messages in Safeonweb mailbox this year

Last 6 months, we received almost 4.4 million messages in the mailbox of suspicious@safeonweb.be, which is almost 2 million more than the first 6 months of 2022. This proves at least 2 things:

phishing is not yet on the way back, AND…

Beware of message that appears to come from Safeonweb

A message is currently circulating with 'Tijdelijke blokkade op uw eID' in the header.  The message misuses itsme's logo and the sender appears to be Safeonweb, but that is not correct.  The email address is spoofed.

If you…


Going on holiday safely with your smartphone: 5 simple tips


Applying for a premium through Engie? Beware!

We received many reports last week of a phishing message that seems to come from Engie.  You are supposedly entitled to a premium but need to provide additional data to do so. Under no circumstances do this: it is an attempt to get hold of…


Safe surfing on holiday: 5 tips


Don't let your festival summer be ruined by scammers!

Have you received an e-mail or Facebook message to quickly get another ticket to a sold-out festival or concert? Then watch out because many fake messages are circulating. 

Below is a message that appears to be from TicketSwap.…


Beware of messages that appear to come from FPS Finance

We have already received hundreds of reports today of phishing messages that appear to come from the FPS Finance. Always check messages when in doubt.

The annual messages from governments about taxes, pensions, holiday pay, etc. are a big…


Free smartphone, coffee machine or laptop? Fake promotions are resurfacing
