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Safer Internet Day: an opportunity to protect yourself online and (re)discover the tales of Safeonweb

Every year in February, the whole world celebrates Safer Internet Day to make the Internet safer for young and old alike. Here's a chance for you to (re)discover the tales of Safeonweb.

Whether you believe in fairy tales or not, every fairy tale contains a hidden message or life lesson. Safeonweb takes you on a journey through well-known fairy tales to inform you about using the Internet safely.

Tales from Safeonweb

Here are the different tales adapted by Safeonweb:

Episode 1: Account hacking with the Big Bad Wolf
Episode 2: Technical scam / Tech scam with the Witch and Sleeping Beauty
Episode 3: Online shopping with Snow White
Episode 4: Phishing with the Three Little Pigs and Captain Hook
Episode 5: Safe online adventure with Little Red Riding Hood


You can find them all on https://safeonweb.be/en/safeonweb-fairy-tales.

What can you do to spread the message about safe Internet use around you?
  • Are you a (grand)parent?

Watch the Safeonweb tales with your family. It's a good opportunity to highlight the dangers of the web and the precautions to take. Don't hesitate to visit safeonweb.be to answer any questions your (grand)children may have.


  • Are you a teacher?

Introduce your class to the Safeonweb stories. It's a great way to start learning about safe use of the Internet. Don't hesitate to consult our educational material section to find out about all our resources for young and old alike.


  • Are you simply curious?

There's no age limit for learning the right reflexes for safe surfing, so do yourself a favour and watch the Safeonweb tales to find out more in a fun way.