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Strange messages sent from your e-mail

John, 45, became victim of hacking

My name is John, I am 45 years old, and my life was recently turned upside down by a hacking. On an ordinary day, my phone started vibrating due to a flood of notifications. To my horror, I saw that strange messages were being sent from my e-mail account to all my contacts. Panic took hold of me. A few days earlier, I had received a notification of a suspicious login attempt, but I had paid no attention to it. How stupid could I have been?

The consequences were disastrous. Friends and family thought I was spamming them with fake links. Some even became victims of phishing by opening the messages. It felt like I had violated their trust, even though I was a victim myself.

After hours of stress, I finally managed to get my account back. This experience changed me forever. Now I use two-step verification (2FA) everywhere and never ignore security warnings again. Let my story be a warning: secure your accounts and take cyber security seriously.

This testimonial is made up by an AI text generator, but is a great representation of a story we hear regularly at Safeonweb.

Are you also a victim of an account hack?

What to do if your account has been hacked?

How can you prevent it?

Protect your accounts with two-step verification

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